Tempo in mA Life Kizomba

Tempo in mA Life Kizomba

Dj Gaytt Legender

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Dj Gaytt Legender Dj Gaytt Legender 9 musiques au total

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Tempo in mA Life Kizomba est une musique du rythme Zouk faisant partie de l'album Tempo in mA life de l'artiste musicien Dj Gaytt Legender.
Date de Sortie : 2 Juillet 2016 | Durée : 04:04

Lyrics - Tempo in mA Life Kizomba

1. This morning, mina lamka, I'm in a good mood, na wapa smile everybody !!
this morning on mA way, I call mA friends
to say hello...
I hope they all be happy to know
how I feel it, feel it, feeleh
I'm dancing, dancing, danceh...
And I'm drinking, drinking, drinkeh
cause I'm happy, happy, il try ...

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