Dj Gaytt Legender
9 musiques au total
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Tempo In Ma Life cover PIANO by Yann est une musique du rythme Slow faisant partie de l'album Tempo in mA life de l'artiste musicien Dj Gaytt Legender.
Date de Sortie : 2 Juillet 2016 | Durée : 02:52
Tempo in mA life
1. This morning, I wake-up so late,
I'm in bad mood na try to forget mA last night.
This morning on mA bed,
I call mA friends to say hello!
I hope they'll all be happy to know...
How i'm feelin, feelin feelin,
f'I was dancin, dancin, danceh,
f'I was drinkin, drinkin, drinkeh...
and I tel them ...